In Memory of Your Grandmother, Mrs.
Odell Lee
“Have You not made a
hedge about his and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have
blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
“ (Job 1:10 NASB)
Dear John and Aaron,
I am very sorry to hear about the death of your grandmother,
Mrs. Lee. I so wish you had been able to spend more time with her. Last night, I was thinking about my first
encounters with Ms. Lee, Deek, and Statesboro, GA. Even though I was raised in
Kinloch, MO, a small, all-black city outside of St. Louis, I wasn’t familiar
with the south and farm life. Ms. Lee and Deek introduced me to slopping pigs,
bar b que goat, coon, picking peas, jelly cake, and eating rice at every meal,
as well as, eating your largest meal at noon. Now, you know I didn’t eat any
goat or coon! I can see both your grandparents now laughing at my reaction to
those things. The jelly cake…well you know I would always look forward to
having a piece of jelly cake when I reached Statesboro.
One day Ms. Lee
really had me puzzled. You know your grandmother was always so busy running
from the store to house all day long. This day she was talking about going to
“a planting”. I thought she was going to the farm to plant something: peas,
beans, tomatoes, something. She never left to go to the farm, but she continued
to talk about this “planting”. As the day grew old, now she was coming through
the house talking about she was going to be late for the “planting”. She rushed
into her room to get ready to go. She appeared back into the living room
dressed up. Yes, dressed in all white, Now, I was ready curious, more like
confused. I knew that she wasn’t going to the farm to plant anything all
dressed up in white! So I had to ask just where are you going. What is a
“planting”? It turned out that a “planting” was a funeral.
I can see Ms. Lee running
from store to the house. She was such a beautiful lady and hard worker. She was
always moving. I never heard her complain about anything. She always welcomed
me and told me she had us in her prayers. That’s what I always admired about
her… she loved her family and most of all she loved God. When you got to
Statesboro, you knew you were going to church and it may have been more than
once a week when you found yourself in church.
Let me go back to that “planting” but in relationship to
Mrs. Lee and your family. You know the definition of planting is - placing (a
seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow). I’m not a farm girl,
but I do know the roots of a plant anchors the plant’s body to the ground and
support it. It stores food, water, and nutrients for the plant. They’re the
lifeline of the plant. The bigger and healthier the root system, the bigger and
healthier the plant will get before harvest time. Yeah, I googled that… LOL... I could not have said it any better.
Your grandmother “planted” a seed for you and your entire
family with her prayers and faithfulness to God… “Have You not made a hedge about his and his house and all that he has,
on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have
increased in the land. “ (Job 1:10
NASB) entered my spirit. I don’t know if you know the story of Job. I hope
you’re curious enough to find and read it on your own. Job was a faithful
servant of God. Job loved God, praised Him, and thanked Him every day. Job
obeyed God at all times and was blessed by God for it.
The enemy of God, Satan, is an evil spirit who is continually
seeking to distress, to lead astray, if possible destroy those who love God. We
are in Satan’s reach while we are here on Earth. (2 Corinthians 4:4) says, “The
god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see
the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” This is why Mrs. Lee put
The Lord first and prayed for her family. Through her prayers the Lord has
built a hedge around you guys for many years. If you don’t know, a hedge is a
fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs. So, what am I
saying? Let me expound again! Her
prayers have created a protective defense against Satan around her entire
family and, we must continue to prune and nurture that hedge around the family.
You have families of your own and you want them safe, as well as, wanting the
best for them in any endeavor they may encounter.
This story of Job is even deeper than that. Satan was on
Earth doing what he does best. Need I say what that is? “… roaming about on the earth and walking around on it.” (Job 1:7) Satan’s
restlessness! It was God that said to
Satan, “Have you considered My servant
Job? For there is no one like him on Earth, a blameless and upright man,
fearing God and turning away from evil’” ( Job 1:8) Satan said, “Have You not made a hedge about him and
his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his
hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. “ (Job 1:10 NASB) God told Satan that
everything Job had “was in his power,
but do not put forth your hand on him.”
God gave Satan permission to test Job’s faithfulness. As a result, Job
lost everything his livestock, servants, house, sons, and daughters. God
purposely allowed the hedge over Job, His beloved, faithful servant, to be opened
to Satan. What did Job do? He tore off
his robe, shaved his head, and still fell on the ground and worshiped. He said,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and
naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job did
not sin nor did he blame God. Finally, Job was restored back to health, wealth,
family and above all right relationship with God.
This story of Job it is hard to wrap your mind around the fact
that Satan was acting on God’s behalf. God told Satan to do this to Job. What
is this saying to us? IT IS GOD WHO IS
ULTIMATELY IN CONTROL. The Devil, Satan, Lucifer wasn’t in control of
anything. God directs the affairs of the
So, why do we suffer? You cannot go through life without some
trials and tribulations. It is a process that one must go through to walk with
the Lord. And again I say, God was testing Job’s faith and because he remained
faithful in the most difficult of circumstances those worldly needs were given
back to him more abundantly…” The Lord
restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the Lord
increased all that Job had twofold." (Job 42:10) We don’t think like
God and don’t understand why God does what He does. I know that sometimes God causes good things
to happen from our tragedies… “And we
know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love
God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) When you think of God’s promises to his
followers…in comparison to our sufferings, those sufferings become so minor.
I don’t mean to be long winded but … well… maybe I do. LOL
To me, Mrs. Lee was a modern day Job. She planted seeds of prayer around her
family building that protective hedge from the Lord around her family. Her spiritually
intimate relationship with God protected the family and allowed her the
strength to withstand any hardships from the results of some of us stepping
outside that hedge of protection. Oh yeah…now I’m about to get on another
subject. LOL Just know, we can always step back into the protective hedge that
your grandmother has nurtured for us through her prayers by being obedient to
the Lord.
I’m wondering how
many souls Mrs. Lee must have ushered into those “pearly gates.” Mary Baxter wrote
in her book, A Divine Revelation of Heaven, “The magnificent gates that
stood before me in splendor were made of solid pearl.” (Revelation 21:21) “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one
of the gates was a single pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like
transparent glass.”
As we usher her into her
final resting place, I know she will be welcomed by a host of friends and
relatives. Even my relatives that have
passed on will be there to greet Ms. Lee because she surrounded me in that
hedge of prayer. The Bible refers to this host of friends and family as “a cloud of witness.” in (Hebrews 12:1) Mrs. Lee was a praying
mother. She lived a fruitfully long and blessed life. I pray that if you have learned
anything from your grandmother it is the power of prayer and the power of your
walk with THE LORD.
all my love and sincere sympathy,
Written by: Nola Lee, May 2017
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