Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013
Don’t go for the okey doke!

Do you remember when VCR’s came out in the 60’s? Do you remember your parents and grandparents trying to operate these devices? Just the concept of them really baffled some in that generation. Go back a minute and think about all those wonderful technological devices/gadgets: not just VCR’s, but 8 tracks, cassette tapes, and CB’s [citizen band radios]. Oh my God, everybody’s dad and uncle had a handle and were able to communicate with truckers and radio hobbyists in, by George, other states!  What was the world coming to?  What about CD’s? There were no more albums! There are still some of us talking about an artist having a new “album”. LOL There are no  albums! They’re CD’s colleagues, CD’s! LOL We are beginning to sound like our parents.
More and more of us are realizing the benefits to becoming familiar with the world of technology. For senior citizens, technology broadens our world. It promotes brain fitness, as well as, physical fitness. It keeps us connected to family and friends no matter where they are in the world! Today, we have DVD’s, tablets, IPods, video games, computers, internet,  wireless internet, Skype, GPS, monitoring, home assistance devices, hearing aids, cell phones, and Smartphones. Yes, Lord, Smartphones. Now, smartphones are...just too (doggone) SMART! There are android phones, android smartphones, android tablets and other mobile devices. Really, I don’t know about you but, I don’t know enough about them to intelligently explain the mechanics and differences between these devices. Let’s not talk about trouble shooting problems. All I know is that I love them! It’s a massive amount of information at my fingertips. I am a huge promoter of technology! The more I learn, the more I want to know.

Nevertheless, if it hasn’t been addressed yet, somebody should create a reality show with seniors and smartphones because we are neophytes at the game. To make them work, we must talk to them, type on a keyboard that are smaller than a credit card, or run our fingers across the face of the phone. Don’t touch it too hard. All kinds of things may happen! My thumbs are constantly aching! They’re throbbing with pain… why?  I HAVE RA! Do I stop? No!  I love it! I can talk to more than one person at a time. Multi-task, LOL. I sit up at night and Google myself silly.  Then, I have to put heat on my neck. I still think it’s wonderful. I don’t have to get up and go to a what? A JOB! So, I can relax in the morning.
We are funny though. We can’t work the darn things unless we have a child around to tell us what to do. The other evening, I got a text from my son saying that he texted me on Circle. Circle? What is Circle? Well, I have been tutored by my eleven year old grandson. He taught me how to go to the “Play Store”, find the apps I want, and bang…download. Well, this time, the app site was already on the text in blue. All I had to do was…TOUCH…it. Since I have an android-that’s connected to the internet-well, you know the rest. I TOUCH IT!! I connected to Circle and …WA-LAH! There was his message. “Mom, I texted you on Circle. Love you.”  What? That’s what he said? All that just to text back on Circle, “I love you, more.” I do that when I’m texting on my phone regularly. Why did I fall for the okey doke?

People started texting me saying, “Ok, I’ll check into it tomorrow.” “I have it, but never use it.” “Who is this?” “Do I know you?” Well, now I’m bewildered! I didn’t text any of those people. I texted back my apologies, and yes, went to bed with sore, aching thumbs. I took an arthritis pain reliever and went to sleep. What I didn’t know was… that my phone was texting all night. Cyberspace isn’t as busy during the early morning hours. My phone or whatever I “TOUCHED” to download Circle texted my contacts and Facebook friends. I woke up the next morning and had all kinds of texts, “I’ll check it out in the morning.” “OK” “What are you doing up?” LOL One of my brothers texted and said, “What is this?” Then, my phone rang. He left the message, “Call me as soon as you get this message.” You know I didn’t want to call him. He probably got his text about three am also. If I was twelve, I would have known I was in trouble. LOL I did call. I wouldn’t dare ask what time his text came in. LOL He informed me of something called “phishing”.

“This is the act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate   enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The email directs the user to visit a website where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers that the legitimate organization already has. The website, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s information.”

Well….none of that happened, but it’s always safe to KNOW. I called T Mobile to check on this social network, Circle. They told me it was just that and informed me that there was no activity indicating phishing on my account. Thank you, Jesus!
Unfortunately, my colleagues, I have spent two days texting, apologizing, and talking to people on the phone that I have not talked to in ages.  I probably texted you, and if I did… here I am apologizing again. I have learned my lesson. Hopefully, you’ve learned something from my experience. If you don’t know about the app, don’t open it. If you don’t know the person the email is from, don’t open it. If you have any doubts check it out. Keep yourself a ten year old child to consult with!!!!
Going to give my thumbs and fingers some rest now. Must Google tonight!


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